Panino Panini

aka Panino Panini

Hi there! 👋

My name is Stefano (but almost everyone calls me Panino...long story!) I'm a Web Designer and Developer based in London. I'm all about creating awesome websites and web apps that really stand out. If you're looking for someone to design and code your site, I've got you covered!

I've been working on some cool projects lately, and you can actually check them out by clicking the button 👇 below. Let's dive into some of my top projects.

So whether you're in London or anywhere else, let's team up and make your online vision a reality!

Green Hill
Carnivorous Plant open mouthCarnivorous Plant closed mouth

Contact me

Go ahead and fill out the form, and I'll get back to you. 👉

Or you can just shoot me an email at Let's chat soon!

* Max 600 characters

And yes...I am in love with 80’s videogames